
The trusted online source for coffee digitalization information.

We provide public actors, independent organizations, coffee companies, industry professionals, cooperatives, and producers access to industry-wide information and strategic expertise on the use of technology in the coffee value stream.

Reference articles.


Our Summit Report includes all significant highlights of the Coffee Prices & Technolology Summit: Trends, Margins and Pay Gap. By reading the report, you will learn more about our price conversation and understand how technology can contribute as a solution to low and volatile prices and their impact on the coffee sector.

Our FOCL Summit Report includes all significant highlights of the Future of Coffee Logistics Summit. By reading the report, you will gain a sneak peek into our logistics conversation and become more aware of how logistics operations are going in the coffee sector.


Coffee digitalization: let’s start talking webinar series.

The logic of coffee logistics webinar series - excerpts.

The logic of coffee logistics webinar series - full webinars.

The intersection between climate change and coffee digitalization - excerpts.